Plant Your Imagination
Special Announcements and Upcoming Events
HOURS: 8-12 Monday 8-5 Tuesday thru Friday 8-2 Saturday and Sunday
Note: Coffee Bar closes 15 minutes before shop closes.
LITTLE GREEN FEATURED IN CLIMATE MAGAZINE: Check out this link for a great write-up on our shop in Climate Magazine.
SATURDAY LIVE MUSIC: For those of you who like to hear the soothing sounds of Kira Hooks and Jeff Goodkind while you enjoy your morning coffee!
LG LIVE: Frunkyman- March 21st. 8pm, donations cherished.
Adam Walt- April 11th. 8pm, donations cherished.
MARCH CLASSES: Cacao Space and Song, Pine & Stone will be hosting a cacao circle and sound bath meditation on March 25th.
Everything Sourdough will be here to discuss, you guessed it- everything sourdough! Learn about sourdough starters and leave with your own starter and all the tips and tricks you need on March 27th.
APRIL CLASSES: Wonders of Lulu will walk you through making your own paper daffodil to enjoy through spring and beyond on April 2nd!
Melissa of Alchemy Divination will be hosting her Heart Chakra Sound Bath on April 13th! Learn about your heart chakra and tap into your spirit and body with a sound bath and meditation.
Learn the art of Pysanky egg dying with Natalie of Salayi Designs! Work with wax and colorful dye to make your own beautiful egg for spring on April 16th.
Neha of NehaxStitch is hosting a Sip and Stitch on April 27th! Learn how to make your own mini embroidered keychain!
MARCH POP UPS:The California Horticulture Therapy Network is hosting a Grow & Thrive fair on March 22nd! Whether you’re looking to take better care of your plants or of your mental health, this event is designed to help you grow.
APRIL POP UPS: Got too many trinkets? Bring them to the Trinket Swap April 6th! Trade your knick knacks to grow your collection or send things to better homes.
Charlene will be doing tarot readings on April 12th! Learn the basics of tarot and get a three card pull. We’ll have a small selection of tarot 101 books and decks available for purchase!
LOOKING FOR AN EVENT VENUE?: Little Green is available to rent! Check out our Event Space page for more info. or call (669)245-5074. email: riley@littlegreenaplantbar.com. Email preferred.
DRINK SPECIALS: Honey Rose Latte- a sweet and floral treat!
Little Green is an interactive retail space where community comes together to plant, shop, enjoy the coffee bar, and support artisan small businesses.
Plant Bar
Enjoy a fun, relaxing experience at Little Green’s plant bar. You pick your own container, succulents, and a variety of soil toppings such as sand, pebbles, moss and rocks to create personal plant arrangements. A perfect gift for yourself or to make for another.
Artisan Gifts
Little Green is excited to support other artisan small businesses. We curate products from local artists in the area as well as throughout the U.S. We have plant-based goodies like handmade pots but we also have a wonderful selection of jewelry, paper goods, vintage clothing, pottery, oddities and more. We also have a monthly pop-up vendor selling their unique products. Check out our pop-up page to see who is in house.
Coffee Bar
A coffee bar in a plant store? You bet!
Little Green proudly serves Santa Cruz-based roastery Cat Cloud.
Our tea selection is provided by Lovejoy’s Tea House. We also serve fresh pastries from Redwood City’s own Cocola Bakery and gluten free goodies from Sweet Sydney’s.
We are thrilled to offer a variety of classes at our shop to provide a place to gather, socialize and create. Classes are taught by ourselves or local artists. Check back regularly to see what’s in the works.
Private Parties
Little Green is housed in a historic building in Redwood City, once a car dealership in the 1960’s. With high ceilings, large showcase windows, and our plant decor, it is a lovely spot to gather friends or hold a team building event.
Learn more about the rates and terms.
Pop Ups
We are dedicated to uplifting local artists and businesses through monthly artisan markets and solo pop up days. Check back regularly to hear what upcoming artists are visitng our space.
Bicyclists Welcome
Ride your bike to Little Green and feel free to park it inside where it’s safe and sound so you can relax and enjoy the space!
Visit Us
Little Green is located in a historic building in the heart of the Peninsula. Click here for a map of the nearby available parking.
1101 Main St
Redwood City, CA 94063
Hours (check above for exceptions to normal hours)
Please note that the espresso machine typically closes for cleaning 15-20 minutes before close of business.
Contact Us
General: (650) 704-1838
Private Events and Pop Ups: (669) 245-5074